Saramonic Vlink2

On a film set, the director needs to make adjustments to the actors’ movements to meet the needs of the scene. However, there is a distance between actors and directors. How can one become more efficient between them? Obviously, it is impossible to use other equipment such as walkie-talkies or mobile phones to communicate, because the actors cannot carry extra equipment that will affect the shooting. And it would require manpower and time if the staff on the scene have to go back and forth delivering messages. Is there a device that has both an intercom function and that the actor can carry during filming? Yes, in field recording, people can clip the wireless microphone on clothes and Saramonic has a new wireless mic with talkback function. This system is also ideal for vloggers, mobile journalists and content creators.

Vlink2 Wireless Mic System with talkback function
Saramonic has released a new wireless system, SR-Vlink2 which is a versatile and easy-to-use 2.4 Ghz wireless microphone system. It is designed for two-way communication during recording. Featuring real-time talkback function, Vlink2 supports efficient two-way communication between the transmitter and the receiver. Both the transmitter and receiver can achieve real-time talkback communication with each other, listen and talk to the other side simultaneously. In this case, the photographed can adjust quickly through the instructions of the photographer which upgrades recording efficiency. Don’t worry about recording - during the two-way communication, the microphone will only record the sound of the transmitter. Besides real-time talkback function, Vlink2 also supports real-time monitoring to make sure the audio is premium.

Lavalier Microphone included
In terms of sound quality, Vlink2 also performed very well. The Vlink2 system is equipped with DK3A professional omnidirectional lavalier microphone which features 360 degrees of sound pickup to give excellent sonic performance, which is ideal for news broadcast, interviews and field recording. Featuring 2.4GHz wireless transmission technology that has strong anti-interference, the audio capturing range is up to 100 meters without no obstacle. The long transmission distance creates a larger range of shooting area for the directors. In addition, both transmitters and the receiver feature a vivid, high-contrast OLED display allowing you to check vital information and battery life at a glance. The OLED display is also more convenient when setting up.

Extremely versatile
Other key features include detachable and switchable antenna, Mono/Stereo modes and built-in rechargeable battery with USB-C charging. The whole system is perfect for DSLRs, mirrorless and all types of cameras, portable audio recorders and smartphones with 3.5mm microphone input. Two kits are available: Saramonic Vlink2 Kit 1 (TX+RX) and Vlink2 Kit 2 (TX+TX+RX)

Find out more about the Vlink2 and other Saramonic wireless mic systems here